Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How Keep Ants Out of Pet Food Bowls

San Diego is being hit with high temperatures and high humidity.  While this is making us very uncomfortable, it may be causing another problem... ANTS.  I was talking to a friend of mine last night who had returned home to ants invading her Alpine home.  She was waging war on a steady stream of ants marching straight for her pantry.  She was using all the typical defenses we use (windex, raid, boric acid).  At the end of the battle I asked her if they were getting in the dog and cat food bowls as well.  She said no, that she had a solution for that.  It was such a great idea I thought I would share.  She takes the bowls of pet food and floats it in another bowl that contains water.  The ants will march over the rim of the first bowl and drown in the water leaving the bowl of pet food untouched!  What a great idea!  Maybe she should put her pantry food on floaties in the pool! :)

What are your best tips for dealing with ants?

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