In the San Diego real estate industry, many additional responsibilties may arise for those purchasing homes. Renowned for a large industrial history, California’s economy has had success in areas such as ship-building, mining and power generation. These industries found many usages for asbestos, as the material has fire and heat resistant qualities.
Although asbestos exposure does not always pose health risks, it is still highly recommended that homebuyers determine if asbestos containing building materials are present. Exposure to asbestos is easily avoidable by taking simple precautions.
Potential San Diego homebuyers or those seeking to remodel homes should be aware that homes constructed before 1980 may still contain asbestos materials. If any suspected asbestos is located, do not touch or disturb it as this can break its fibers down and make it become airborne. A professional home inspector can determine the validity of danger and determine the best course of action to take. Many green and healthy alternatives exist that replace the need for asbestos entirely.
Freqeunt exposure to asbestos may lead to the development of a rare, but sevre lung ailment known as mesothelioma. Research demonstrates that over 2,000 to 3,000 cases are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. With no mesothelioma cure, workers and real estate’s-man all over the world are now receiving the proper indications and information towards the risks they face.
If a home inspector deems the asbestos harmful, removal must be undertaken by a licensed abatement contractor. These contractors are trained in the handling and disposal of asbestos in public facilities and homes. The California Environmental Protection Agency reports many sources of naturally occurring asbestos emissions throughout the state. Despite knowledge of the state’s asbestos problems, many communities throughout California still find themselves constructed atop asbestos deposits.
In the 21st century, there is no need to put yourselves and your families at risk at the hands of asbestos. In California, construction practices are upgrading methods to suit better lighting, heating, cooling systems and environmentally habitable insulation. The move to a greener lifestyle in San Diego is helping lead the nation in change to more energy and healthy forms of building products.
Green options such as cotton fiber, cellulose and lcynene should be given consideration as replacements to asbestos. These options have been shown to reduce annual energy costs in the home by 25 percent. These new environmentally-sustainable alternatives create healthier, quieter and more energy efficient homes in the 21st century.
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