Thursday, February 2, 2012

Are You Ready For Your Super Bowl Party?

See us in the Big Game
Super Bowl C21
For the first time in the 40-year history of our brand, we will air a commercial during the most watched television event of the year.

The Super Bowl has a unique place in American television: when the commercials air, viewers actually start paying more attention to the broadcast. Did you know that over 111 million people are expected to watch this year's Super Bowl, and I hope you will be watching and see CENTURY 21 Agents right in the middle of it!

On February 5th, tune in to your local NBC station to watch as CENTURY 21 Real Estate takes a new place in history! We are sponsoring a full half-hour segment in pre-game, and we air 11 pre-game commercials during that day. And of course, as our finale, our special :30 Super Bowl commercial will air in the 3rd quarter of the game itself.

Don't forget to watch and vote for us! You'll see exactly how to cast your vote for your favorite commercial on Super Bowl Sunday at

Sideline Starters (click link to find recipes)
Every great party needs great food. Here are just a few highly rated recipes that would make a great addition to your Big Game Bash.

Sideline Starters
Recipes provided by and

Bring The Games Home
Here are a few games ideas from

Pass the Lucky Cup Super Bowl Game: This is yet another classic game for a perfect Super Bowl party. It is simple and a great way to make some cash for both you and your guests. In this game the person who holds the cup makes the rules for the game. The owner of the cup says a word like “touch down”, “first Down” or “50-yard line”. Then the cup is passed and each guest is supposed to add a dollar to the cup. The next time there is a touch down in the Super Bowl game, the person holding the cup collects the money inside. Then the game starts all over again. The money collected through the game can also be donated to the local food bank or charity, of course with your guests consent.

Drinking game – Take a Shot: This game for adults is a fun activity to a certain point. Being the host, you will need to be careful with this game though if you want you and your guests to see the end of the game. To be on the safe side, try picking light drinks for this game. For this game, you line up fans of each team and force them to drink for every turnover, sack, fumble or dropped pass. As a variation you can also try picking a favorite play or call and every time your team is called on, you have to take a drink. Another variation is that each time the commentator says, “Did you see that” everyone has to drink.

Rate the Super Bowl Commercial Game: Each year the Super Bowl commercials get more wild and crazy. A terrific game is to pass out “commercial score cards,” and have your guests rate each of the big commercials on a 1-5 star scale. After the game, tally up the winners.

Pop The Balloon Game: This is an easy to play game that would be great after the Super Bowl is over. You pick team colors for balloons, and in each balloon you put a slip of paper. On the slips you can write something like “penalty”, “Personal Foul” etc. and on one of the slips write the score of the winning team. Then ask your guests to pop the balloons and the guest who gets the “score slip” turns out to be the winner of the game. For prizes you can hand out silly gifts like a toy football or pom pom. your guests are sure to have a hearty laugh playing this kiddie game.

Keep the Kids engaged: If kids are going to be a part of your celebration then it would be a good idea to make some arrangements for them as well. A good way would be to allot them their own “Kids zone”, away from the grown up crowd. You can arrange for some nice movies, maybe a foosball table, easy crafts or even puzzles. Here are some game ideas for the kids at your party. You can take help of an adult family member who is not interested in the Super Bowl game and can help your keep the kids engaged with the games listed below:

Monkey in the Middle Game: This is the old time favorite Super Bowl party game for young party-goers and will keep them entertained during the game. Ask the kids to make a circle. Have one child stand in the middle of the circle and hand out a football to one of the kids making up the circle. The child standing in the middle of the circle is the designated “monkey”. Players in the circle toss the football around and across the circle, trying to keep it out of the hands of the “monkey in the middle”. If the “monkey” catches the ball, they swap places with the person who threw the ball.

Super Bowl Laugh Game: This is a fun game that all your little guests will love. While sending out the invitations, you can mention a line stating that all kids are supposed to come with a football joke. Have 2 to 3 judges who can rate the football or Super bowl jokes. The one who gets the best rating is the winner and gets a football for a prize.

Video game: The most easy to setup game for a Super Bowl party for little guests would be arranging for a video game station on a separate television. You can set up games like “Madden” or “NFL Blitz” for guests to play during the big game.

A Super Bowl party is one of the most fun, laid back parties one can ever attend. But the most important game on Super Bowl Sunday is “Hide the Keys Game”. In this game you need to hide the keys from your drunk friends so they don’t get out on the road. This is very important if drinks are going to be a part of your Super Bowl celebration.

Have a Great Super Bowl party!

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